Sunday, October 24, 2010

Truly pathetic. A comedy.

The saddest thing you will ever learn about me is that I wish I could look more like my character on Rock Band 2. Insert laughter here.

Seriously, though. It's not just a weight thing, it's a complete lack of concern for any sort of societal guidelines to fashion or propiety. I can have a green fauxhawk while sporting a top that looks like a couple of demon's hands grabbing my tits. All right... so I actually hate that top and there isn't a fauxhawk in the options so far, but you get the drift.

I want to be able to dye my hair fun colors and be expressive with my clothing. Working in retail really puts barriers around all the crazy things you can try with different styles. So I will continue to use my face as a blank canvas and learn all I can about makeup.

In the meantime, I will be happy to let Lovely Rita wear all the insane outfits I don't have the option to.

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